10 Sep

Thank you for visiting our site! This website was created to allow YOU, the citizen journalist, to take back the news! Today’s media is saturated with bias, misinformation and an overall unwillingness to report the happenings around us in a responsible way. This country was founded on the simple principles of the citizen, the individual and the community influencing its tone and moral compass. Our nation has been hijacked by an inflammatory and irresponsible media. Journalists are no longer reporting the news. Almost all of them have taken sides on the issues of the day and are tragically promoting their specific agendas.

We want you to take back the dialog. We want you to declare the narrative. We want you to be the change, the thought and most importantly, the voice of this country!

We are looking for news stories written by our populusnews.com community. There are so many important and positive things going on every day that we don’t ever hear about. Our hope is that you will all look with interest at the world around you and let us know about it. Our editors will scrutinize bias and bad information. No political opinions please!

We want to hear all of your stories… good people doing good things, events that impact your life and anything of interest in your local community or the nation and the world at large. We want to hear about good wine, new laws, great vacation spots, little league victories, NFL recaps, the economy, natural disasters, high school athletics, cool new cars, facts on election results and anything else that your world presents to you. Also, any personal story of gain, loss or enlightenment is more than welcome.

Please email your article to stories@populusnews.com and include pictures if you wish.

Let’s build this community and take back our essential rite of free and fair journalism!

Below are a couple examples of stories that will make it on our site.

* The email will not be published on the website.